Early in our coaching business we found that in most cases learning new skills/coping skills to improve your life rarely creates permanent change. In fact permanent change is indeed difficult to achieve. But entirely possible. So what would you look for in a coaching situation to choose one that really creates positive change. Here are 3.5 things to look for.
1. Be clear about what you want help with. But ask: "does the coaching offer a whole life approach?". Getting help in relationship may not transfer directly to other areas of your life., Getting a balanced approach to life change is what usually works best. We are a total being, not components. So ask how the coaching will address the whole person's needs
2. What disciplines does the coach work with in. Many coaching see a single approach to coaching. While Neuro Linguistic Programming can be comprehensive, there are often other disciplines needed. So is your coach trained and utilizing multiple modalities to create life change.
3. Is it "coach" centric? Or "You" centric. All life change comes from the subconscious. I do mean all. If the coach sees them as the creator of change, you might want to look for a coach that knows they are not the source of the change, they come along side and help, but they do not create the change. You need not be a clone of your coach, but fully you.
4. Does your coach take time to understand you before they recommend a coaching process? Often coaches anchor with a program they like, a one size fits all. That can only offer limited outcomes.
4.5. Does the coaching program offer help with limiting beliefs, limiting decisions, release from past trauma's? Or is is a layer over the past for the present. Unless limiting decisions and limiting beliefs are addressed you are likely to be back soon.
When should you start coaching? When things are good. We are all coming out of a crisis, going into a crisis or in a crisis. It is the nature of life. Learning the right life tools can be essential to walking through the storm unscathed. I recall the scout motto "be prepared". It is immensely helpful to have solid tools to walk through tough times. And more importantly to handle the good times.
How long should coaching take? Most people think it could take years. It certainly should not. We find that coaching will take a few weeks or months early on. Then some will want some follow up input. Our idea of coaching is to help you move forward quickly and smoothly. Our length of coaching is shorter than most simply because we address the whole person, not just some skills.
Coaching can be great life change for you. The question is what is holding you back?
Jack Stanley B.C.C.