They are wrong. Your success is not tied to the 5 closest friends you hang out with!
Jack Stanley B.C.C. • March 19, 2024
It has been said that you will be most like your 5 closest friends. In income, success and more. And while this may seem true on the first view, It is only part of the story! There is something much more important. It is where you live!
Not where you live in terms of address. That has little to do with success in life, business, love or relationship.
It is where you live emotionally. Emotions are the drivers of your life. We all have emotional thermostats. When life gets too much worse than we are use to living we will often do something about it. Maybe get depressed, get coaching or counseling, get medicated. But then if the emotional level gets too good we will do things to get it back to our point of stasis.
It is like setting your thermostat to 70 degrees. If it gets to 66 it is too cold or 74 it gets too how. 70 is the comfortable temp.
Where is your emotional thermostat? Is it feeling o.k. with brief peaks to a beautiful state and drops to mildly down state that we call normal? Or it is sad with the occasional peak of pleasant ness an brief states of depression.
Are you happy with living with your emotional thermostat? What if you could totally change your state to one of a beautiful state as your nomal state? Could it be that it can actually happen. Yes it can.