How to know if you have a Shame Based Identity
Shame is an epidemic in our culture. It seems that men and women share this battle but in very different ways. The results however are common.
1. Isolation. The sense that if they get to know me, they won’t like me. Result is to feel alone or lonely. People who feel this isolate or if they come out it will be a social setting where they can control the conversation and keep the world much more surface.
2. The need for perfection, in dress, and or in life, and in appearances. Perfection. IF you are perfect enough they will not see you.
3. Develop a sense of superiority. Covering a deep belief you are an imposter. The sense that I know more, or know better with the hidden fear is some one will really see what you believe you are, an imposter.
4. Moving away from what you really want in life. Starting and failing in relationship, or business. Knowing what to do, but not doing it. Shame will freeze you in the redundant behaviors that create endless loops in your life.
Men and women do experience shame differently, however living a life where you are most sharply aware of your less than; doubting if you can be loved; or enough; is at the heart of shame, regardless of what you outward appearance may be.
Is it time to stop living a shame based identity? We help folks remove the blocks that inhibit a beautiful life. Shame is one of the most powerful and most common. Can we help you? Sign up for a free 1/2 hour coaching exploration click the link below.
Jack Stanley B.C.C.