That Thing: It Never Goes Away!
Like the need for the next cigarette, or the need to make it perfect. Or the procrastination that follows the need for perfection. It is always there.
It is there in the morning. Maybe it is like feeling like "when is the other shoe going to fall?". Some have called it a sense of not feeling comfortable in their skin. It is the thing that stops you, slows you down but your don't really know what it is. What stops you short of real excellence, real accomplishment, or real peace or real satisfying relationship?
One of my clients said it is a sense that she is always being judged.
The truth is you may NOT know what it is, beyond an uneasy feeling that is just below the surface, like an old acquaintance you never liked. It is just there. We can talk about the effects in the long run. The reality this feeling of dis ease, unease or just a sense of never quite fitting in is always there. What do you do? Where does this come from?
In my work I have found the source can have several possibilities.
It can be something that is generational, a driving feeling that many of the folks in your history experienced. For me it was anger and a sense of being left out that was passed to me from at least 3 generations.
Or it could be from some experiences early in life. Or some tragic experience. When I use to own learning centers, I could often identify a traumatic event at about the time the student stopped learning in school. The event happened and learning got put on hold. For many it is a thing they don't even remember.
So what do you do. Most of us think it will take years of digging emotionally. Or it may take going to a self empowerment class, or even meditation or traditional therapy. It may take years.
Or does it really? What if there is a way you can clear up these powerful impacts and decisions on your life and not even have to know what is the cause. You can go and release the cause(s) quickly and never have to know what it was. Oh yes you may know, but many do not. IT is really about removing the block and moving forward. It is what we do. Quickly efficiently and consistently.
The work we do in this area is some of the most rewarding. I find it most exciting to see people grow very positively in the days and weeks. What if you really could break through for an excellent life?